Dimensions: 32 inches (.81 meters) wide by 48 inches (1.21 meters) high
Principles of art: variety, emphasis, contrast
Elements of art: shape, line, color
OCD — counting, cleaning
Time consumption
Art history
3 Faucets and 1 2 3 made the front page of the Entertainment section via a brilliant write up in The Lancaster [PA] Sunday News. The article was written by Stephen Kopfinger; who has high familiarity with OCD from a previous great article he did on Oprah's OCD Camp (with Dr. Oz and Philadelphia anxiety expert Dr. Jonathan Grayson). Here's an excerpt from the article: "Those levels tie together in such works as "3 Faucets," which at first blush looks like a benign, if abstract, representation of folded hands. But in the light of OCD: Are those hands clasped in prayer and contemplation, or engaged in frantic washing?"
The limited run giclée prints below were made for and shipped to The OCD Project, a show filmed in California. Only 25 of each are available for reproduction from the show. The run is limited and is selling out at $1000 each. Prints are archival and printed to-size on primed, stretched canvas. Contact us for availability.
Click on an image for more information.